Christ for the World

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Samuel Wolcott developed a burning zeal for missions. Born in 1813, he expressed this zeal by becoming a missionary to Syria. Although forced to return to America because of health issues, he never lost that passionate commitment to spread the Gospel in his role as pastor of several churches and secretary of the Ohio Home Missionary Society.

In 1869, while he pastored in Cleveland, the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA) of Ohio asked for permission to meet in his church. He gladly gave them permission, and even attended the conference himself.

As he listened to the speakers, he was impressed by the banner the YMCA had displayed announcing the theme of the conference: “Christ for the World and the World for Christ.” He was so moved that he wrote a hymn inspired by those words. It was called “Christ for the World We Sing.”

He described the “loving zeal” that should inspire us to preach the Gospel, and bring its message to the poor, the faint, and those who mourn. We need to tell the sick and sorrowful that “Christ doth heal.” And we should couple this zeal with “fervent prayer” so “the wayward and the lost” could be “redeemed at countless cost, from dark despair.”

He wrote that evangelism required dedication from all Christians, as we act “with one accord.” He called others to work together to share and dare, “with us the cross to bear, for Christ our Lord.”

Today, the needs are even greater. Millions have never heard the Gospel even once. Ask God to give you a burden for these souls. Dedicate your time, talent, and treasure to His Kingdom. Let Him use you to help reach the world. Pray that millions more will respond to the message of salvation.