Blessed to Bless Others

Blessed to Bless Others

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries1 Minutes

The Bible teaches that God delights in blessing us. But He also desires that we be good stewards of what we’ve been given. While many in the world primarily think about themselves, we are to be motivated by love and compassion for others. We need to realize that He blesses us so that we might bless others.

The Bible teaches that this attitude leads to greater blessings. Like a sunrise, God promises to bring light to everything that seems dark. We will have hope, even when situations seem hopeless. He promises to guide us all the time. Drought may be all around us, but we always will know that He is with us. Our souls will be satisfied, and we will not worry, for we will be confident in Him.

God also promises health. We will not be weak, inadequate, or fragile but will have the strength and energy to do what we need to do. And our lives will be fruitful, like an oasis in the desert. Others will look at us and see productivity, results, and blessings.

If you want to experience more of God’s blessings, seek to find ways to bless others. Ask Him to show you how you can be a better steward of the resources He has given to you. Invest more of your time, talents, and treasures in His Kingdom and in the lives of others.