

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

There are many ways Ezra could have responded to the scene in Jerusalem. He had shown his commitment by traveling more than a thousand miles, risking his life and reputation because of the burden he felt from God. His commitment was to serve Him and help restore proper worship and Biblical standards.

He was surprised and disappointed by what he saw. He was angry. But his reaction actually was much stronger. In fact, he was “appalled” by what he saw. The Hebrew word here is filled with emotion. He was stunned and devastated. It was like feeling numb.

This is the reaction of a man who had filled his heart and mind with God’s Word, and committed his life to serve Him. He literally was sold out for God. He really didn’t care what others thought about him. His only concern was pleasing God: Knowing His Word. Keeping His commandment. Standing on His principles.

We can wonder how many people today have that same level of commitment to God. How easily we can find ourselves thinking that we are committed to Him. But do we have the same level of commitment displayed by Ezra? Are we more concerned with our reputation than with God’s Word? Are we more concerned about the reaction of others or being sold out for Him?

In your life, ask yourself how committed are you to God? How passionate are you about living for Him? Like Ezra, is your heart ever broken by sin, or unfaithfulness?

Today, make a new commitment to seek first His Kingdom. Be so sold out that you become a witness to the reality of the Gospel. That others can see that you have a genuine relationship with Him. That serving Him is the most important thing in your life.