A Song of Bethlehem

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Louis Fitzgerald Benson studied to be a lawyer, but ministry was his passion. Eventually, he became a full-time pastor. He also loved and collected hymns, and he even edited a major hymnal.

In 1899, as his thoughts turned toward Christmas, he wrote a hymn that focused on key places in Jesus’ life. Called “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem,” this hymn first talked about that little town—how the news of Jesus’ birth came to nearby shepherds “from angels in the air.”
Benson also reminded us that the same “light that shone on Bethlehem fills all the world today.” Jesus still changes lives and brings peace on earth.

Next he turned to Nazareth and spoke about the life of Jesus as a boy. He wrote about Galilee and its lake, woods, and hill—about how Jesus “walked upon the sea and bade the waves be still.” Benson used this picture to describe the peace that Jesus brings to any soul who responds in faith to “the Master’s Word.”

Finally, he wrote about Calvary. Benson called us to remember that Jesus “hung upon the tree, and took our sins away.” Yet that was not the end, for He rose from the grave and provided us a way to have eternal life.

At Christmas, many people think only about the birth of Jesus. But Benson’s hymn reminds us of the complete scope of His life—not just His birth, but His ministry, death, and Resurrection.

This Christmas, the culture may focus on His birth, but never forget the whole story. Jesus is the risen Lord. He will return in power and glory. He rules over heaven and earth, and He wants to rule over your life as well!