A Serious Commitment

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries2 Minutes

Francis Asbury had a profound impact on the life of America. After arriving from his native England in 1771, he based his first sermon in America on 1 Thessalonians 5:6. He felt that many Believers had been content to live in comfort, and were not concerned for the Lost. He felt his call from God was to “spread scriptural holiness to every city and hamlet in America.” He called Christians to take action and commit themselves to spread the Gospel.

He sought men who shared his passion for evangelism and recruited them to be circuit riders. These men endured many hardships for their faith. Author Wesley Duewel describes how half of these men “died before age thirty.”

But they reached thousands with the Gospel following Asbury’s exhortation: “We must reach every section of America—especially the new frontiers. We must not be afraid of men, devils, wild animals, or disease. Our motto must always be FORWARD!”

In his journal, Asbury wrote, “How I wish to spend all my time and talents for Him who spilt His blood for me.”

Some might worry about other people, but Asbury wrote, “I have nothing to seek but the glory of God; and nothing to fear but His displeasure.”

Today, many Christians are spiritually asleep. But God wants us to be vigilant and dedicated to His Kingdom. The needs are great. Families are in trouble. Sin abounds. Millions still need the Gospel.

Right now, make sure that you are not spiritually asleep. Don’t allow yourself to become lazy or complacent. Spend time with God in prayer. Ask Him to give you a passion for Souls, a hunger to serve Him. Study His Word. Dedicate your time and talents to His Kingdom. Follow the leading of His Spirit. And seek to bring Him glory.