Who Plants in a Storm?

Inspiration MinistriesBy Inspiration Ministries4 Minutes

In the midst of a monster life storm, Bobby chose to plant a seed into the Good Ground of Inspiration Ministries. And her faith created a whirlwind of blessings!

When a rare disease attacked her husband’s nervous system, Bobby didn’t know what to do. “Larry couldn’t even breathe on his own; he needed a breathing machine,” Bobby recalls. His health spiraled down as his weakened immune system opened the door for other illnesses. “I cried out to God and said I was not ready to lose him yet. I simply refused to receive that news.”

With neither person able to work and expenses mounting, the family finances rapidly deteriorated. But miraculously, Larry began to improve. Bobby’s heart overflowed with joy and thankfulness that God heard her cry. Confident of God’s continued goodness and care for them, she stepped out in faith and sowed a $100 seed with Inspiration Ministries.

“Waiting, expecting, and trusting is a way of life,” declares Bobby. God always responds to obedient faith! And God responded to Bobby’s seed of faith. Soon, an unexpected check (ten times the seed amount!) arrived from a distant family member. “We aren’t even in touch with this person … but God moved their heart to send us funds!” When another gift arrived as well, Bobby rejoiced by sending generous gifts to others.

Shortly after, a friend shared about her need for a car, so Bobby gave her information about a dealer who had helped her. The friend got just the car she wanted – and the dealer sent Bobby a $100 referral fee! Another friend came to Bobby saying. “I didn’t know what to do with this Alexa device. You take it.” Bobby put it to work praising God. “I tell it, ‘Alexa, play praise music.’ It’s great. I love it!”

Another day, Bobby happened to catch a television report about a new, local business established to support new pastors in town. Touched by the store’s mission and attracted by their merchandise, she visited the store. While there, Bobby entered their $1,000 shopping spree contest. On the day of the prize drawing, she felt God nudging her, Get dressed up and go down there. You are going to win! In faith and obedience, she went down – and WON!

With her Father’s heart of generosity, Bobby says, “I didn’t need furnishings for my house, so I asked God what to do with the shopping spree. He led me to give it away to the pastors the store had been founded to support. They were so thankful and excited. It was wonderful to be able to give it to them.”

“This has all taught me to trust God more – I stay awed at Him,” Bobby gleefully declares. “All I knew to do was stand on the promises of God. I begged God to give me wisdom and understanding – to help me with all the decisions I needed to make. God did that and more! He loves to give unexpected gifts to His kids.”

What God has done for Bobby, He can do for YOU! Our prayer ministers would love to agree with you in prayer for the breakthrough you need.

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