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4 Things a Hurting Heart Needs

None of us have to look far to see heartbreak, devastation, pain, and loss. We live in a broken,…

How to Deal with Toxic People

Difficult people are undoubtedly a draining part of life! Some difficult people move beyond being…

Jordan Feliz: God Told Me to ‘Say It’ (Part 3)

John Farrell: What is your testimony? Jordan Feliz: I was raised in the church and I dedicated my…

Understanding the Waiting Process
Understanding the Waiting Process

Sowing financial seeds into God’s Kingdom is a lot different than the magic seeds sown in “Jack and…

Feeding on Foolishness

The Bible focuses attention on our motives. Not just, the things we do, but why we do them. Our…

Your Limits

In many ways, our culture is obsessed with “super heroes.” These have inspired video games and…

The Source of Understanding

Daniel developed a reputation as a man who had an extraordinary gift for understanding. After…