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Let Your Trials Lift You Higher
Let Your Trials Lift You Higher

I remember exactly where I was when the meaning of James 1:2-3 dawned on me. I wasn’t at an…

Heartbreak to Breakthroughs

Our prayer ministers are vessels of God’s miracles in the lives of thousands of people like these…

Why a Biblical Worldview Is Now Essential, Not Optional

On the threshold of my 50th anniversary in ministry, I sing with believers worldwide celebrating…

Toss Your Emotional Baggage

An emotional stronghold isn’t the same thing as simply having a bad day. We all have bad days or…

‘The Chosen’ Jesus TV Series: Why So Popular?

So, why would an online television series about Jesus be breaking popularity records? It has no…

Ricky Kim
Ricky Kim: Heavenquest & Connecting People to Story John Farrell: Can you please tell me a little bit about Heavenquest: A…

A Raiders of the Lost Ark Devotional: The Wrong Treasure

Devotional #1: We Were Made to Be Treasure Seekers Coming off of the success of Star Wars, George…

Spiritual Detox: Our Thoughts

A penny for your thoughts? Have you ever heard that phrase? Well, today we are going to learn that…

How Is Christianity Relevant in a Modern World?

Christianity, or following Jesus Christ and the truth found in the Bible, remains as relevant and…

How to Be a Faith-Filled Man in Today’s World (Part 2)

This is the second in the “How to be a Man of Faith in Today’s World” series, where we will examine…