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transformation from God


Increasing in Confidence

Moses did not want to return to Egypt. He initially resisted God’s command to confront Pharaoh.…

Faulty Memories

In the midst of the moment, we might feel that our experiences are so vivid that we will recall…

Supernatural Power

On this day in 1752, Ben Franklin conducted an experiment that changed the course of history. He…


There was something about David—something so strong and vivid that men from many backgrounds were…

Blind Spots

It seems natural to criticize others. We can easily spot their mistakes and flaws, sure why they…

Bold to Obey

The disciples were “amazed.” What was so amazing? They were walking directly into Jerusalem and…


While Moses was alone with God, receiving the Law, the Israelites turned to revelry and idolatry.…


Cephas (the apostle Peter) was a special disciple. He had a unique relationship with Jesus. He was…


Why was Jesus born? Why did He leave His Heavenly throne and come into the world? We learn a vital…