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Wonderful Surprises!

One day April was flipping through TV channels and happened to come across a broadcast of…

Linda’s God-Sent Provision

Can a $5 bill trigger a financial breakthrough? Do you sometimes wonder how your bills will get…

All I Could Say Was Hallelujah!

A school teacher’s step of faith led to an unexpected honor and a huge financial blessing. Aaron…

From Flatline to Favor

Karen’s son was brought from death to life by the incredible power of prayer. Karen, an Inspiration…

Have You Ever Received an Unexpected Check?

Imagine you are asking God to provide the money for food, bills, or a new home. You walk to your…

The Miraculous Mercy of God!

Mercy is one of God’s amazing, supernatural characteristics. In Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary,…

Sowing After a Harvest
Sowing After a Harvest

The harvest represents completion and culmination. It is the moment when we reap the fruit of our…

Giving Cheerfully

Why do people give to God? Some give out of guilt, others from obligation, and some aren’t sure why…