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sensitive to the Holy Spirit


Gideon’s Victory Secrets

Israel was vastly outnumbered, and their enemy had superior resources. Yet they were victorious.…


What would you consider the “best advice” you ever received? Forbes magazine recently asked this…

Astonishing and Horrible

What was so “astonishing”? So “horrible”? Things that were being said and done by the prophets and…


Jeremiah was filled with doubt. It didn’t seem to matter that God had called him. Instead of…

Open Your Eyes

It was to be a tribute to the waltz. A celebration of the life of leisure centered in Vienna,…

A Life Open Before God

The calendar of an influential record company executive was packed, and he faced a constant stream…

Sensitive to Time and Place

Jesus understood the importance of following the Father. He declared that He only did “what He sees…

Last Words

The brother and sister did not know what was ahead for them. As they traveled by train, they had…

Accepting but Ready to Change

Many people are not content with their lives and have a hard time accepting the way God made them.…

Spiritual and Practical

Confined to a prison cell, Paul demonstrated that his life truly had been transformed. Instead of…