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The Lamb of God

How appropriate that the celebration of “Good Friday” is always close to - or even occurs on the…

The Ultimate Love Story: God’s Love at Calvary

If you’re like a lot of people, you may have found yourself doubting God’s love for you at some…

Spiritual Detox: Second Dangerous Thought Pattern

If not careful we are going to take the life principles we hear — what has been quoted through the…

Spiritual Detox: ‘Warning’

Well, here we are at Day 4 of our Spiritual Detoxing boot camp. How are you doing? How are you…

5 Steps to Victory in Christ
5 Steps to Victory in Christ

Many believers become disappointed when things don’t go their way. They fall prey to the common…

Faith in a Bottle

Excerpt from Faith in a Bottle by Kenneth Howard Clark So, if you are offering your gift at the…

What About All the Hypocrites That Call Themselves Christians, but Don’t Live It?

It can be frustrating to look at how someone is living and observe actions that are directly out of…

The Assurance of Our Salvation

If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the…