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Foolish Confidence
Foolish Confidence

As he looked at the world, the psalmist saw people who always seemed to succeed. Even in the midst…

The Only Way

Much of what we know about the Renaissance period of history is the result of Giorgio Vasari. Born…

Knowing the Times

Throughout past centuries, as people observed the weather, they could make general observations…

What Will Become Clear

It can be hard for us to recognize God’s plans. To realize that His purposes may be different than…

Shadows of Reality

Georges Seurat was driven to develop an original way to portray the world. Born on this day in…

Things Will Change

God told the people of Ezekiel's time that things "will no longer be the same." Everything might…

God’s Perspective

How well do you really know yourself? Are you realistic? And how selective is your memory? These…

Your Unique Perspective

When the foundation for the new temple was laid, some celebrated with great joy. From their…

The Supper at Emmaus

What would it have been like to walk with Jesus? To receive a private history lesson from Him? To…

Clearer Vision

“Then Elisha prayed and said, ‘O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.’ And the Lord opened…