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Bad Habits Can Be Broken!

The seasoned worker experienced their annual performance review. They are bewildered, dumbfounded…

Finish Your Assignments!
Finish Your Assignments!

Paul provided Titus with a clear summary of his assignment. He had been left in Crete to “set right…

In God’s Time
In God’s Time

Describing three different dimensions of time, Paul placed our lives in context. First, he reminded…


Throughout the New Testament, believers were continually exhorted to be good stewards. As Jesus…

Deceiving Messages
Deceiving Messages

Paul knew that there were many ways of looking at current events and prophecy. But there was only…

Alive in Christ
Alive in Christ

If the only thing that matters is success in this life, Paul recognized that believers are most to…

Willing Servants
Willing Servants

From the moment Jesus appeared to him on the road to Damascus, Paul consistently sought to follow…