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How God Heals a Nation

When Solomon became king, Israel was at the height of its power and influence. His father, David,…

Waving Your Banner

“The LORD spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying, ‘The sons of Israel shall camp, each by his own…

God’s Standards

During Solomon’s reign, no other nation in the world served God. The Lord had called the Israelites…

Beneath the Surface

The Queen of Sheba heard astonishing reports about Solomon’s reign. Unbelievable! She felt…

Restoring the Foundations

How ironic that a fort named after a man born in Ulster, Northern Ireland, would inspire the…

Now Is the Time

Farmers know they don’t break up their unplowed ground, plow the fields, or plant seeds just once.…

The Real Power

To the people of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar was the supreme ruler with the power of life and death.…