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When the News Has You Down
When the News Has You Down, Trust the Word

In our media-drenched world, news travels instantly. We can watch events while they happen,…

Inspiration Ministries Honors Ossie Mills at His Passing

Christian Media leader Ossie Mills passed away suddenly on Tuesday, February 5. A pioneer with…

Changing Behavior
Changing Behavior

Does the media only reflect the attitudes of a society? Or does it actually shape behavior? Many…

Your Time. Your Life.

A new report revealed that American adults are now spending more than 12 hours a day “consuming…

What Is Shaping Your Children?

Who is raising our children? Many parents simply assume they are the primary teachers. But there is…

Satan’s Short-Term Strategy

As we look at situations around the world, it can appear that Satan is winning. Everywhere we turn,…

A Diabolical Prince

The classic definition of a kingdom is “the territory over which a king or queen has authority.”…