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The Power in Giving Thanks

“When they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab,…

Are You a Follower
Are You a Follower?: Dynamic Easter Feature on Inspiration TV

As we celebrate Holy Week, Inspiration TV is encouraging Christians to ask the important question,…

A Compromise

Ever since the beginning of church history, many people have looked upon Christian beliefs as…

Jesus is Lord
Jesus is Lord

Throughout his first letter to the Christians in Thessalonica, Paul emphasized the importance of…

Strong in the Lord

Facing the uncertainties of life, many people feel forced to look out for themselves for security.…


By all logic, Judah should have been victorious in their confrontation with Syria. They seemed to…

A Personal Burden

Ezekiel did not speak because he wanted to speak, or share his personal opinions. He was not…

Imitating Christ

The Imitation of Christ made an immediate impact when it was published in 1418 A.D. Its author was…

Continual Praise

It was a time of great national rejoicing. Showing no restraint, people danced and sang in a time…

Your Weaknesses

In 1626, famed poet and pastor John Donne was asked to speak at London’s St. Paul’s Cathedral for…