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Inheriting the Earth
Inheriting the Earth

In a series of brilliant military campaigns, Alexander the Great conquered much of the known world.…

Humble, Poor in Spirit
Humble, Poor in Spirit

Throughout history, ambitious men have looked for the right moment to take action. This is what…

The Kingdoms of This World

The Roman Empire lasted more than one thousand years. For centuries, it had seemed a permanent…

Unlocking God’s Secrets

Jesus said there are “mysteries” of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Greek word here also can be…

Hoarding or Giving?

The Bible described a “grievous evil.” What exactly was so evil? It was “riches being hoarded by…

What You Value

People in the audience responded with audible gasps. Having gathered for the bidding for “Salvator…

God’s Plan for Your Talent

This must have been a devastating time for the Jews. Their kingdom had been wiped out. Jerusalem…

Weighed and Found Deficient

Rembrandt van Rijn had a profound knowledge of the Bible. This great Dutch artist, born in 1606,…

The Reluctant Prophet

Even though Jeremiah was young, he had the spiritual maturity to realize that God was speaking to…

Declaring New Things

As we think about the future, we can feel overwhelmed with doubt and uncertainty. What events will…