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Expectantly Embracing a New Season
Expectantly Embracing a New Season

I’ll admit, I don’t really like change. All change feels like loss to me, even if it’s just the…

A Fresh Revelation
A Fresh Revelation

During His ministry, Jesus encountered many people with their own preconceived opinions about God's…

The Power of God
The Power of God

As we look at the world, it is hard not to notice massive problems. It can be easy to become…

The Quest for Power

Herod the Great dominated Judea for three decades. Backed by Rome, he was able to rule in often…


They watched Jesus dying on the cross. They could see Him suffering but could not understand His…

Seeking Things Above

Concerned about how French society was developing, Alexis de Tocqueville decided to visit the…

Behind the Scenes

When we think about television programs, our first thought often is about the “stars”—the people we…