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Crown Financial: Don’t Overspend This Christmas (Part 1)

Jonathan Jenkins:  It's very easy to overspend, especially with the deals that stores have this…

Saint Nicholas of Old and Santa Claus of Today

He is so much a part of our lives that many people forget that Santa Claus has not always been the…

My Journey with Singleness

Let me paint you a picture. Each year I spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with my extended family in…

Get the Humbug Out of Your Holidays

Ever since his divorce several years back, my friend Ron has complained to me this time of year…

Navigating Family Dynamics During the Holidays

Some families are chaotic, fun, and full of laughter, while others are stoic and boring. Some…

Holiday Survival Guide: 13 Tips to Thriving During the Holidays

There are so many things I love about the Holiday Season. I love planning our Thanksgiving meal,…

Dave Says: Keep Things as Pleasant as Possible

Dear Dave, I don’t really see eye-to-eye with my dad and older brother on many things. This is not…

Advent: God’s Presence is Your Present!

Did you know that Christmas is about God wanting to have a relationship with you? You might have…

Walking Through Mourning During the Holidays

When someone you love dies, your whole world changes. This can be especially painful during the…

Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas from David Cerullo and Inspiration Ministries

There is a uniquely beautiful Christmas carol that captures the essence of what this season is all…