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When Christmas Invaded a War

It was called ‘The War to End All Wars,’ but after four long years of murderous conflict, with the…

The Gifts We Are Given

“And I have been a constant example of how you can help those in need by working hard. You should…

Chasing the Spirit of Christmas

How’s your Christmas shopping coming along – has it sucked the Christmas spirit right out of you?…

Crown Financial: Don’t Overspend This Christmas (Part 1)

Jonathan Jenkins:  It's very easy to overspend, especially with the deals that stores have this…

What to Buy Your Kids for Christmas

Growing up, my oldest children loved a woman we called "Aunt Jessie." It took them over two decades…

Black Friday Finances: Dealing with Discounts

Black Friday is known as the ultimate day for discounts. For as long as many people can remember,…

Black Friday and Cyber Monday: Make the Most of These Upcoming Marketing Schemes

I don’t know about you, but personally, I have a love-hate relationship with Black Friday and Cyber…

You Are Unique!
You are Unique!

Franz Xaver Mozart was the son of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a recognized genius as a composer and…

Giving as Worship

In a famous prayer written in the 13th century, St. Francis of Assisi observed that “it is in…