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Fruits of the Spirit


Don’t Put Your Hope in New Year’s Resolutions

Every year millions of Americans make a New Year’s resolution, and this year will be no different.…

Motivated by Love
Motivated by Love

What is the motivation for our actions? The promise of entertainment or pleasure? Meeting our…

What Comes from Our Hearts

“A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces…

Gideon’s Victory Secrets

Israel was vastly outnumbered, and their enemy had superior resources. Yet they were victorious.…

Humble and Hungry for God

Matthew Henry was born on this day in 1662. As a child, he and his family gathered together for…

Bend My Will

On the surface, Evan Roberts seemed to be the ideal Believer. Born in Wales in 1878, he regularly…

Being a Good Samaritan

In his book, The Tipping Point, Malcolm Gladwell describes a study conducted by two Princeton…