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“Run from anything that stimulates youthful lust. Follow anything that makes you want to do right.…

Almug Wood or Bradford Pears?

The Bradford Pear is a beautiful spring-flowering tree that has gained popularity in recent years.…

A Life Committed to Prayer

Paul had an amazing ministry. He had seen the power of God flow through his life through many…


After arriving in Jerusalem for the last time in His earthly ministry, Jesus went to the Temple.…

Commitment to Prayer

Jeremiah Lanphier’s commitment to prayer led to the revival of 1857, one of the greatest moves of…

Liberty to the Captives

Many things can hold us captive-literally controlling our minds, shaping our thoughts, dominating…

Pillar and Support of the Truth

Much of Paul’s letter to Timothy dealt with life in the Church. It was important to understand that…