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Escaping from the House of Mirrors
Escaping from the House of Mirrors

If you’ve ever visited a carnival or amusement park, you may have visited the House of Mirrors.…

Silas at the Met

What does classical ballet have to do with sharing the gospel? Can men and women who make a living…

He’s Still Turning Water into Wine
He’s Still Turning Water into Wine

If I asked you where Jesus did His first miracle, what would you say? Many people would assume the…

Blessed to Be Free

Independence Day in the United States is one of our country’s most patriotic days, and rightfully…

He is risen
He is Risen, He Has Risen Indeed

As a young man, Carl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther faced the reality of death. While attending college…

Alive in Christ
Alive in Christ

If the only thing that matters is success in this life, Paul recognized that believers are most to…

Need a Resurrection of Hope?

What does Resurrection Sunday mean to you and me as believers? It means we have a powerful new…

Puffed Up or Built Up?
Puffed Up or Built Up?

Food offered to idols presented a major problem for first-century Christians. To settle the matter,…

Messengers for God
Messengers for God

Rodney Smith was born in a tent on this day in 1860, in a town north of London, England. In spite…

Practical Proof

Regardless of what some might think, human effort alone cannot solve our problems, or bring us…