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Abraham’s Choice
Abraham’s Choice

Jane’s eyes beamed as she pulled her father by the hand when she saw the pink teddy bear. “Daddy,…

How Can I Be Blessed?

There is often a yearning in our hearts to experience God’s abundance within our lives. We want to…

Walking in the Favor of God
Walking in the Favor of God

God’s favor is a big deal — it’s right up there with faith, grace, and the mercy of God. “Favor” is…

Heaven’s Christmas Day Invasion
Heaven’s Christmas Day Invasion

The angelic proclamation heralded a triumphant Christmas Day invasion by God’s Kingdom. With all…

Crown Financial: Don’t Overspend This Christmas (Part 2)

Jonathan Jenkins:  It's been said many times that giving increases happiness more than receiving.…

Encountering the God of Blessing
Encountering the God of Blessing

Far too many people today think of God as a harsh, bitter old man who sits on a throne in a land…

You Can’t Outgive God

When Sandra desperately needed a breakthrough, God used Inspiration Campmeeting to stir her faith…

Worship Your Way Out of Fear

What are you most afraid of today? A troubling medical diagnosis? Financial loss? Are you afraid of…

Called by His Name

Born prematurely as a result of a botched abortion, Patricia continued to experience tragedy and…

God Is Faithful and True!

The Bible promises that at the end of the age, Jesus will return and take His rightful place as the…